Vlado Martek, Ambivalentna tautologija, 2013-2014; Ništa, 2015; Project for a book, 2017.

Ambivalentna tautologija Ništa [Project for a book]

Vlado Martek donated seven different projects to MoRE. We are showing three of them explaining the research of an artist whose work is fundamentally defined in the relationship between poetry/literature and visual arts. According to Martek, art is characterized by being a "process" rather than a mode of production.

Ambivalentna tautologija is dated 2013. The idea was to display a picture of Martek’s studio in the studio of Goran Trbuljak (Varaždin, Croatia, 1948). Although it was never carried out, thanks to documents describing it, we can say that the work was realised in the form of a statement. Ništa [Nothing] should be considered as an element of the artistic process, and the project documentation for some of a group of works not (yet) realized. Lastly, Project for a book (2017) consists of three A4 sheets of paper, the draft for a book which was never published, donated as source of inspiration and research.

Vlado Martek, Ambivalentna tautologija, 2013-2014; Ništa, 2015; Project for a book, 2017.